Palpatine was initially polite to the group, but when they insisted on taking him into custody, he dropped his facade, activated his lightsaber, and lunged at them in a violent fury. Windu then gathered a team of Jedi Masters consisting of Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin, and attempted to arrest Palpatine in his own Suite. It began after Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker informed Master Mace Windu that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had revealed his identity as a Sith Lord to him. The showdown on Coruscant was a confrontation that took place in the Supreme Chancellor's Suite of the Galactic Senate in 19 BBY. We will have to.' ―Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin, preparing to confront Darth Sidious Think not of if, Master Fisto this duty has fallen to us. The Dark Lord has revealed himself, and we dare not hesitate.
' Yoda is pinned down on Kashyyyk, and Kenobi is out of contact on Utapau.